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Password Security Requirements

In accordance with the UGA Password Policy and the UGA Password Standard, everyone using a UGA MyID is required to apply standard security practices when choosing a password. These are outlined in the documents linked above and include the following requirements:

  • A password length of at least 10 characters (maximum length of 16 characters)
  • Must not include your name or MyID as part of the password
  • You may not re-use a password you have used previously.
  • Capitalization matters ("TomSawyer!" is different from "tomsawyer!")
  • Passwords must contain a combination of upper case letters, lower case letters, numbers and/or special characters as follows:
` ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) - _ = + [ { ] } ? | ; : ' " . > /


Do not use spaces or tabs as special characters.

Passwords can only be changed once every 24 hours.